Monday, February 24, 2020

Actually filmed blog

Yesterday my group filmed our first part of the movie. However, there was a huge argument between my group and filming times and days. Reese had given us a limited schedule to film and we could only film at night. While this was our first idea, after thinking about it there was so much more technique that would have to go into filming at night such as following the characters with the flashlights and not being able to film far away shots as you wouldn’t be able to see them. So my group and I kind of sided together against Reese and said that we have to do it during the day. She got very mad and said we have to film it all and she will help edit. We accepted this without a problem because we can get together more often to film. So Lucy, James, and I went wolf lake park instead of silver lakes and filmed a few scenes. We started at around 5:45 so we didn’t have much time to film before dark. We decided I would be the victim and James would be the attacker with Lucy filming us. Since I laugh in awkward situations it was hard in the beginning to get things done because we kept laughing. However after 10 minutes I finally got a grip and was able to be serious. We also had a scene where I had to trip and fall, this was hard for me though because I didn’t want to hurt myself or get dirty. I had just showered and didn’t want to have to re-shower. Although the first try I actually slipped while trying to pretend fall and got grass stains all over my shorts. After about 5 tries I found a different way to fall while making it look real. Although we didn’t get much filming done we figured out most of the scenes we need to do at what time and day. So it became very helpful that we met up yesterday. We also changed the filming days so that we film Tuesday, Wednesday, and this coming weekend.

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