Monday, March 9, 2020

Chaotic week blog

This week has been a very stressful week for me and my group. Many things have happened that contributes to problems with our filming and editing. First off we were supposed to film on Thursday however, Lucy didn’t come to school and didn’t want to drive to the school so we ended up not filming. We were also supposed to film on Friday but no one was answering after school and we didn’t get together in time resulting in another day of not filming when we planned to. Lastly, we were going to film over the weekend but I became so stressed and fed up with my group that I just wanted to get it done with. Lucy offered to film most of it with a friend so we have something to show for peer editing but James and Lucy decided without consulting me that they would not film and use our 2 scenes that we got from before. However, I took the liberty of filming on my own time with my own friends because I knew Lucy wouldn’t actually do anything. When I found out today that she really didn’t do anything I became furious. They thought they would just turn in nothing and it would be fine but thank goodness I filmed. I sent the footage to James and Reese to edit for tomorrow’s peer grading. I had a long conversation with James and Lucy about what happened making sure they wouldn’t do this again. I filmed with my two friends Sofia and Brianna at Seminole park. Instead of me acting in it I filmed because I couldn’t stop laughing the last time I was the actor. I also thought it would be easier for me to film because I knew all the angles and the ideas of the whole story. I directed them on what to do and what to say. We only got to the end of the woods scene because they had prior plans and I felt bad for taking them out of it to film something that had no use to them. As a result we only got to the end of the woods scene but it was more than what we filmed with my group and I was satisfied on the footage, as the acting was pretty good.

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