As we finish our final project we start frantically trying to finish because it needs to be done this week. We filmed last week the rest of what we needed and started editing. James and Reese came over to help edit most of it. James had to leave early and he was the one putting the clips in order. Once he left me and Reese looked over it and decided to re do his work as he only put in half the clips and they weren’t in the right order. So we re did the whole thing and put in the music, split and trimmed the clips, and then put it in the right order. Later that night I started to do the titles because I knew my group wouldn’t do anything till later. Keep in mind during this whole project Lucy has done absolutely nothing to help. During filming she couldn’t come because of quarantine which is understandable but when we asked her to help us edit she said she couldn’t even thought she didn’t need to be in person with us. So it has mostly been Reese and I as James has been helping but it hasn’t been good work so Reese and I would have to go through and fix it. So back to that night of editing, as I was putting in the titles I decided to finish it. I put in all the necessary titles and an extra to give us extra time. However once I finished we still only had 1:47 about. So I need to text my group and we need to Fairview our what to do as we have to do the CCR still which will take a while. Overall this project has been very stressful and I don’t think it was a good idea to work with Lucy and James as me and Reese have done all the work in which I’m very disappointed about them not doing anything. In the beginning when they asked to be in our group and specifically said that they need to help especially Lucy as I have heard from her prior groups that she hasn’t done anything. In the beginning she was very good about helping us with group blogs and then she kind of turned at which point we were heavily deciding towards kicking her out of the group but thought it wouldn’t be fair.
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